In tro duc tion. 1, Pur pose and func tion. 1, Items sup plied. 1 – Bird Technologies 8890-400 Series Manuale d'uso

Pagina 11: De scrip tion. 1, Introduction, Purpose and function, Items supplied, Description

In tro duc tion. 1, Pur pose and func tion. 1, Items sup plied. 1 | De scrip tion. 1, Introduction, Purpose and function, Items supplied, Description | Bird Technologies 8890-400 Series Manuale d'uso | Pagina 11 / 43 In tro duc tion. 1, Pur pose and func tion. 1, Items sup plied. 1 | De scrip tion. 1, Introduction, Purpose and function, Items supplied, Description | Bird Technologies 8890-400 Series Manuale d'uso | Pagina 11 / 43